We are looking for new members to join various committees in support of the NAHS mission. If you have any interest in getting involved in these committees, please reach out to Joanna Kerr, Executive Director
Board Committees 2024-2025
Executive Committee
David Kres, President
Mike Lenihan, Vice President
Mark Svendsen, Treasurer
Tracy Wakeman, Secretary
Finance Committee
Mark Svendsen, Treasurer
Tracy Wakeman
Mike Lenihan
Therese Leone
Anne Legasse
Keith Wentzel
Nominating Committee
Stuart Peskoe, Chair
Kyle Scandore
Michael Lenihan
NAHS Programs Committee
Stuart Peskoe, Chair
Lynn Wentzel
Linda Schoonmaker
Bob Kellan
Brian Fraser, CAM Executive Director
David Blauvelt, NAHS Museum Educator
Scholfield Mill Committee
Stan Limpert, Chair
Mark Pelletier
Stuart Peskoe
Marketing Committee
Mary Stewart, Chair
Cliff Leavitt
Mike Lenihan
Mark Pelletier
Lindsey Mayo, NAHS Development Coordinator
Collections Committee
Stan Limpert, Chair
Liz Himmel
Floyd Greenwood
Jeffie Dunmire
Isabella Connor
Robin Siegel, NAHS Curator & Archivist
Lifetime Preservation Award Committee
Stan Limpert, Chair
Tracy Wakeman
Therese Leone
Melissa Najuch-Brown
Kyle Scandore
Linda Schoonmaker
Lindsey Mayo, NAHS Development Coordinator
Bookstore Committee
Lynn Wentzel, Chair
Cathy Fowler
Stan Limpert
Kristin Bachman, NAHS Bookkeeper
Witch Trial Memorial Committee
Carrie LaPierre, Chair
Tracy Wakeman
Kim Whitworth