volunteer opportunities
The NAHS is grateful for our volunteers, without whom we could not survive. The time commitment is small but your impact is tremendous. New volunteers can express interest with the form at the bottom of this page. Current volunteers can signup for opportunities and read position descriptions with the button below.
“Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy.
You vote in elections once a year,
but when you volunteer,
you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in”— Dr. Syed Muhammad Zeeshan Hussain Almashhadi
Stevens CENTER
We’re making History - Join us!
Our mission to make the Stevens Center a dynamic, experiential space for the community to learn about and celebrate North Andover’s history and future.
Our Volunteer Needs
We welcome those interested in; educational programming, archival assistance, collections assistance, and the very important work of visitor services/museum reception.
Educational Programs For School Students
Our two-hour morning programs for visiting school students usually run during late October through mid-November and then again in late May and early June. Dates and time commitments are varied but we try to accommodate volunteer schedules, abilities, and interests.
All classes are accompanied by their teachers and adult chaperones and are led by The Museum Educator, so you will never be left alone. We provide the training and you provide some time.
CORI checks maybe required of education volunteers.
Life at Johnson Cottage & Historical Reenactment
A key portion of 3rd grade field trips, the Johnson Cottage gives volunteers an opportunity to flex their educational and historical reenactment muscles as they teach about 19th-century life in the humble cottage of a carpenter’s family of five. If you have a flair for showmanship, enjoy wearing a costume, and have experience teaching children, please ask us about training to play part of The Johnson Family.
If you would like to become a volunteer, please use the form below and our staff will get back to you. Enquire about our weekly Exclusive Volunteer Newsletter!
We appreciate your interest.