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Reconstructing the Voice of James Stevens: A North Andover Revolutionary

  • North Andover Historical Society 800 Massachusetts Ave. North Andover United States (map)

Doors at 6:00pm/Presentation at 6:30pm

Join linguist and NAHS facilities manager, Antoine Trombino-Ponte as he explains his reconstruction of the voice of James Stevens, through James’ diary, which he began on April 19th 1775.

Antoine Trombino-Aponte is the Facilities Manager at the North Andover Historical Society as well as an Educator at the JFK Library, Boston, where he oversees the development & facilitation of K-12 and adult programming. He strives to develop museum programs that connect local history to a variety of extra-disciplinary topics including linguistics, literature, pop culture, and more. As a graduate of Bridgewater State University with a B.A. in English and a minor in History, with a focus in English historical linguistics, Antoine’s academic interests range from archaic language texts & translation, and folk myth & culture, to rhetorical & creative composition, and music & poetry. Coupled with a background in historical crafts & reenactment, Antoine has fostered a commitment to bringing an all-inclusive, interdisciplinary approach to museum education.

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